Some.weeks ago I was invited to join a group of professional photographers with the aim of giving rise to a product that will be exhibited soon.
At first I felt that fear of the unknown, because as a photographer mainly landscape I tend to work alone.
In addition, the type of photography was street photography, which is also not my area.
As a new and enticing experience I accepted and on the first day of the appointed hour i was ready for what awaiting me.
The pros were appearing, I was introducing myself and for my first surprise I am immediately integrated and very well received in the group.
No raised noses, no overhangs, on the contrary a simplicity in the deal that made me very comfortable.
We went to the first goal of work and it was a huge pleasure.
From that moment until today a group of professional photographers has been formed who having in common the same passion have managed to maintain a group spirit that can take us away through the between help, very difficult thing to get even more when we talk about seven people, in a branch of activity that by tradition or not, is sometimes hostile to the partner of profession.
For professional and contract reasons, I can not at this moment talk about the project what I will do as soon as possible but for now it is how gratifying they have been for me these last three weeks and the appearance of seven new friends in my life.