Landscape display
I will first show 3 examples of long exposure photographs that were then used by various stylized techniques giving an effect totally different from what we are used to and which are the milky seas, the already tired blue and red skies or similar.
Here's an example of a long exposure photo that is already boring to me. It's always more of the same..
Here's an example of a long exposure photo that is already boring to me. It's always more of the same..
Finally, and to clarify what I say, a short film of an exhibition in which there are 3 photographs of this new concept of mine and 3 photographs of street view just to give an idea of the difference.
Some.weeks ago I was invited to join a group of professional photographers with the aim of giving rise to a product that will be exhibited soon.
At first I felt that fear of the unknown, because as a photographer mainly landscape I tend to work alone.
In addition, the type of photography was street photography, which is also not my area.
As a new and enticing experience I accepted and on the first day of the appointed hour i was ready for what awaiting me.
The pros were appearing, I was introducing myself and for my first surprise I am immediately integrated and very well received in the group.
No raised noses, no overhangs, on the contrary a simplicity in the deal that made me very comfortable.
We went to the first goal of work and it was a huge pleasure.
From that moment until today a group of professional photographers has been formed who having in common the same passion have managed to maintain a group spirit that can take us away through the between help, very difficult thing to get even more when we talk about seven people, in a branch of activity that by tradition or not, is sometimes hostile to the partner of profession.
For professional and contract reasons, I can not at this moment talk about the project what I will do as soon as possible but for now it is how gratifying they have been for me these last three weeks and the appearance of seven new friends in my life.
The first one.
The most difficult.
The doubts.
Does the material have enough quality? And if I have negative comments? Am I taking a step far too long? How is it done?
Then friends come, and family.
Go ahead! What are you looking for?
Finally the decision.
I have nothing to lose. And if I don't try it, I don't know.
Let's do this!
Here begins a long and hard work.
What to take into account in a exibition.
First steps
Choose the location.
Date for event
Number of works to be exhibited
Exhibition title
Choosing the works
Certificate of authenticity
Decide the invitation terms
Choose music/musician and speaker to open the exhibition.
Digital invitation design for the graphic work
Social media campaign
Address list - for formal invitations
Sending digital invitations via email, Facebook, etc.
Hire photographer for the vernissage
Create gallery tags
Brochures with a price list, biography, business cards
Appoint a curator and/or a host/hostess
Packaging the works for delivery
Set up and hang the work with respective cards
Purchase agreements
If you have not yet demoralised, don’t forget the possible restrictions generated by the covid.
Good Exhibition
My Gear
How life changed since I took the first photographs, in “analog”, but equipped with a machine that, at that time, was a great brand. Leica
Life has changed. Different priorities and, for a long time, I did not return to photography.
As I believe that nothing happens by chance, twenty years later, I droped in the middle of digital photography.
I had to relearn a lot, read a lot, take some courses (for this purpose I strongly recommend the course, in my case, online given the location of the photographic school, the New York Institute of Photography,
and in particular the Professional Photography Course) that I complemented with a course and enrolment at the Professional Photographers of America -PPA, an entity of worldwide repercussion.
Enriched with these basic notions, it was a matter of months before the bug came back and, nowadays, I wake up and fall asleep thinking about photography.
My first machine was a Canon 5D Mark III, which is still one of my favourites even with its 300,000 shots.
I also use an APS, the Canon 90D, this one is more recent.
In the world of photography, in terms of equipment, I think the most important are the lenses and, for that, I acquired the classic Canon 24-105mm of the L series (the famous red line) as the first and most versatile.
It made and still makes great photos, in many different situations.
Also, I needed to have the most basic lens they are able to teach us the first steps. The Canon 50mm.
For Portrait and macro I use what is considered the sharpest lenses on the market, the Canon Macro 100mm L. line .
As I was, for many years, a hunter, is not surprising that I also dedicate myself to wildlife photography. That's why I use the Tamron Telephoto Lens 100-400mm, light and very precise.
To complete this modest range and as I mainly do Landscape Photography, my “companions” for this purpose are: the previously referred Tamron 100-400mm and the Sigma 20mm - 1.4 series Art.
Much more I have to say about all these “companions” but it is for the next post.
sunrise vs sunset
It was during my second experience as a photographer, that this question came up.
Yes, I was an amateur photographer, like many, still in the time of analog photography.
I used to spend boxes and boxes of Kodak film that I put on the reels of my old Leica by myself.
I often oxidized the sink drain in my mother's house where, in the late hours of the night, I poured the fixer in the urge to go and see what came out of my work of the day.
Since I had no darkroom, so I used the night darkness for that purpose.
Then other priorities appeared in my life and I gradually left photography, an art that would come back to 4 years ago, now in the digital age.
I have always loved portraiture, but as a result of another Hobby ,I had, hunting, I came to admire the dawn before and during sunrise. Yes, because hunting is far beyond the simple act of killing an animal. It's much more than that.
But returning to the theme, in addition to the portrait, I dedicated myself, as a result of what I wrote before, to landscape photography and within this long exposure photography. I started touring the Portuguese coast with its spectacular cliffs and taking my photos.
For me, Sunrise contains more motive and more sensations than what Sunset expresses. This from a purely personal point of view.
I like the dawn of a new day much more than the disappearance of it. The nautical dawn and the civil dawn periods that precede Sunrise have very good elements to add to a good composition. If the sky shows some clouds, the projections of the first rays of the sun provoke the appearance of several pictures that change very quickly in fantastic tones. On the opposite, Sunset also with enormous possibilities has the problem for me, in my head, that we are walking into an increasingly tight funnel until night falls. On the opposite, it is a new day that lies ahead. This I know is very subjective but it expresses my feeling as a person and photographer.
 * In the next topic I will explain how I take my long exposure photos and what I learn from practice.
I was thinking why in Portugal there is no insurance for photographic material that I know of, which is quite usual around the world.
It is very important for a photographer, specially to professionals, to have a insurance for his equipment. In a day by day basis a fall, breakdown or theft , immediately entails a job lost and a high cost in its replacement.
The existence of such insurance, will also create the possibility of development of new business such as the rental of photographic materials.
The advantages of hiring to professionals are enormous because not only due to the fact that you can rent for a day or a short period of time the photographic material required for a specific work which immediately reflect on the budget.
So far I have only managed to get insurers to accept a situation like this, as long as I have accumulated insurance of the most diverse types, all in the same boat and that is not at all the best deal. We will wait and see if things change in this chapter. If any of you know a solution to this issue, please leave your comment here.
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